February 12, 2025
South Africa


There consists a twofold criterion in defining the title, deed, or ministry-type application of a person, it is quite plain:

1.) Who, and

2.) What

Who was John? He was John, what was he then? He was the Baptist.

Who was Jesus? He was Jesus, what was he then? The Christ or Anointed One.

Who was Paul? He was Paul, what was then? An Apostle called according to the measure of Christ’s Gift in him.

Each time Paul would in his letters start by first stating who and what he was.

The Apostle Paul to date was one of the most successful Christians, having written two-thirds of the New Testament.

The gifting in the fivefold capacitate is apt: “Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists and Pastors, the fivefold pillars to the Holy’s of the tabernacle in the wilderness.

One can use the “who” and “what” rules across the board in defining the call on any person’s life.

Names carry so much meaning and this shapes the person’s persona and attributes, essentially a claim towards the person’s name, is by the parents of this child, more specifically the father of the child.

Let us track back a bit. Isaac had twins, Esaw and Jacob, even at birth Jacob would not relent in his nature in an attempt to claim the right to the

firstborn status.

The name Jacob means: “surplanter or deceiver” and wow! was he a bonified genius at this? I think to a degree he was a great trickster.

We find this clearly when Jacob was part of the house of Laban.

I think the prefix of a person describes the person’s nature whereas the surname is the family crest defining the bloodline or origin of the person.

In both the New and Old Testament, the “father” of the person is so important, we find this in the genealogies of the offspring of a person.

The blood type of a child comes directly from the father, even though the child is fed intrevenantly by the mother, the mother’s blood never mingles with the blood type of the child.

The Lord Jesus Christ was conceived by The Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, 100% God and 100% Man, and no, He was not demi-God, He was 100% God incarnated in human form.

Who was Peter? Who was his father? “bar Jonas” or “son of John”

Who was Judas? Who was his father? “bar Simon Iscariot”

Now ever so epic, who was Jesus? He was God come in the flesh, who

was His Father “bar Yahweh Mekadesh or God”

Here is the part that is sure to blow your mind.

The only means for God to refer to Himself is “I Am” that “I Am”.

Who is God? I Am, what is God? I Am.

He is all in all the author and the finisher and encompaser of our very Faith.

He knows the beginning from the end, He exists outside of space and time. He was slain from before the foundation of creation or any time or eon thereafter, He is all-sufficient, having no lack, yet created us to be the object of His Love and Desire.

I can prove with two words according to the Hebrew text that God, the God of the Hebrews is the one and only God and no other.

If I had to ask you: “What is the opposite of death, most assuredly you would answer: “Life”, this is not entirely correct. The opposite of death is “likeness”, the likeness of God is the very Life of man and no other means, let me prove it to you.

Genesis 1:26 – Then God said, “Let us create mankind in our image, “after” our “likeness” or “Demuth”

So, the opposite of Demuth “Likness” is Muth which means “Die”. The Life of man is found in the “Demuth” or “Likeness of God.

The Word Life in Hebrew is: “Demuth”, in English it is “likeness.

God instructed Adam not to eat from the tree of “knowledge, good and evil” for in such event Adam shall surely die or “Muth” which means: “in dying, you shall surely die, firstly a spiritual death and secondly a physical death.

I sincerely hope you grasp this.

So, the opposite of Demuth “Likness” is Muth “Die”. The Life of man is found in the “Demuth” or “Likeness of God.

God did not need us. He was all-sufficient. We need Him, yet He chose unto Himself a people, a kindred that will Love Him in return.

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