A dream is a heart-found aspiration formed on the inner most part of the person. We started this life with keen anticipation never knowing the complete story.
How so many of us have endured deep bitter disappointments in life and in essence we give up on the instilled dream on the inside? Much expectation, a sure and sincere hope for a brighter tomorrow come to null.
And in this sense, many sleep on their dreams, seldom never to awaken. Some might seem all hunky-dory on the outside but asleep or numb for a better word on the inside.
So many people are not fully aware or fully awake and there seems to be no one behind the door, they are inwardly so hardened by life that they lose all possible hope.
His Word says:” Arise and Shine, for your Light, has come”
This is not a question, it is a direct command in the Word.
Rise, O Sleeper,
Regardless of what we face in Life, we must wake, awake from past failures and setbacks. Now is the time to arise and take hold of the precious promises of God so carefully crafted in His Word.
Some of us just simply give up, we can’t see a brighter tomorrow, and as such the future seems very brim and dark.
I have encountered many of these victims in mental rehab’s. In a sense, Some of us are great believers in Christ, and you might have been greatly disappointed in Him.
I don’t presume to know what your dilemma might be, how jovial and insensitive for me to even try attempt to consider or suggest, just trust the Lord.
This week I met a woman who recently had a miscarriage and on top of that she is bipolar, not to mention that she lost both her parents lately.
How on planet earth am I supposed to comfort her? I must ask.
My personal pain can not be put into words. My life has been shattered forever with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia for the past 27 years. It does something to you, you know.
For the life of me, I hold on to dear life for my wife and parent’s sake. I am one yet to arise from a deep sleep of bitter disappointments and pain mainly caused by setbacks, the good advice would be not to get cemented in our setbacks.
Remember the sweet moments when you first discovered The Lord. But life is no fairytale and there is just no magic wand to a speedy recovery of you, unfortunately, we reside in a fallen world, but we can rest in Christ when all seems fail.
Life might have dealt you a cruel blow, maybe you are shattered inside, just maybe you had a miscarriage or lost someone dearest to heart. There is a time of grief but we must arise and move on friends.
In reference to the Bible there was a man Jarius with a daughter named Talitha cumi and she was about to die. Jarius pleaded with the Lord to come lay hands on Talitha cumi so she may live.
When they arrived and Jarius’s house they where whaling and crying for the child was dead, Jesus responded, do not weep, the child is not dead as you suppose, only sleeping.
The point I want to get to is where Jesus says to Talitha cumi ARISE little girl and she rose from her sleep “death”.
In whatever dilemma you may find yourself in, know that Jesus Christ is acquainted with all our grievances, He knows, He knows.
The One and only deity that can make you rise again is Jesus Christ.
Your recovery is not in one fell swoop, no, you need to heal dearest, and the only comforter in this world is the Holy Spirit. I always say: “Don’t hurt the Healer” not to grieve Him, He is your only direct communication to the Father.
Jesus Christ intercedes for us all the time, He is in effect the mediator between man and God the Father. Welcome the Holy Spirit into your life, without Him there is no comfort either.
I would not want to live for 5 minutes without The Holy Spirit. He will not force Himself onto you, you friend need to invite the Holy Spirit into your life.
I am in no notion suggesting things will get better, yes we ought to live the victorious Life in Christ, but we have a foe called Satan, and the day you said yes to Jesus Christ you by default became an enemy of the darkness.
Maintain a steady flow in Word and Prayer, and know that you are a child of God Heavenbound.
Rise, O Sleeper
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