We have missed perceptions of the sacrifice of Jesus our Lord and Master on the cross. Oh, was it just but the physical suffering then one would not fully scope exactly that which Jesus Christ paid for us on the cross.
He took on Himself ALL sin before and after time, for is it not written that He, Christ Jesus was slain from “before” the foundation of creation.
Jesus Christ took an amplified death for all of mankind, from day one til now, and till its closing when the Lord will break the seven seals on the Book of Life, He alone is deemed worthy to open THE BOOK OF LIFE. Why?
Because He was the only one obedient even unto death, in total obedience to the will of The Father.
The BLOOD OF JESUS is a life-giving force beyond human comprehension. Men will die having not received the life it gives. His Blood cures any disease and vindicates the lost.
As the great physician, He entered a dying world. Only His Blood has the power to restore, heal, cleanse, deliver, restore sight, make whole, the power to cure the sin-infected soul. This is the life-giving blood.
This Blood cries out. It sums up the totality of the deepness of God’s love for mankind. Love is not love without some sufficient tangible proof. Something as complicated as love cannot be contained in the inner recesses of the Heart.
It will break free, move to new frontiers, find the destitute, find the cast out and rejected. It will elevate, produce compassion, set free.
Jesus said, no man takes my life from me, I lay it down of my own accord. Our Lord said I have the power to lay down my life and the power to take it up again.
Sinlessness became sin and paid the ultimate penalty. For as the bronze serpent was risen by Moses in the wilderness, in like manner, Jesus is lifted high, and whoever behold and gaze upon Him in His sinless perfection, shall not die but have the Light of Life.
Jesus Christ is humanity’s Ultimate Hero, He completed what was needful of one to be a Hero.
He died, for you and me!
A Hero is the type and kind, believing so entirely in a cause or virtue that absolutely nothing under the sun can detour such from this passion and might just require your very life.
That which entitles you to be a Hero comes with a price, you must die to be tagged a Hero. Hero’s have an absolute and sincere sense of tenacity to endure to press on, regardless of price.
Jesus drank the entirety of death in order that we should not have to. He consumed the entire wrath of God the Father in His Bosom in our stead and cried it is “finished”, this was now when He finished drinking the entire cup of death.
God wrapped ALL TIME, with all its sins, from sin A to Z, died for every single sin ever committed since the first Adam to the closing of the apocalypse or Revelations.
Hero’s have such firm belief in a reason and cause, that they will do and give their entire utmost…even die for it.
I want to swing this thing around. We ought to embrace our cross daily, we need to die to the flesh and truly in a sense be a hero too. In so doing, you have removed the equation of the flesh, leaving free space for the Holy Spirit to roam and rule in and through your life whilst we are here on earth.
“Hero’s Die”
These mere few words shout an anthem of the ultimate surrender to the Lord Jesus, The Christ in whose footsteps we ought to follow. I am not suggesting you become cursed, for is it not written: “Cursed is He that hangs on a Tree (Cross)”.
Jesus hung suspended on that old rugged cross, brings His first soul to Salvation right there and then on the spot. This was an allotted sinner, in all aspects and reasoning according to the law of the hour had to die.
Yes! His treason was a sin unto death, and there were no other means from this, other than following its full course…death! At that moment on the cross, this sinner died and secured his place in Life thereafter.
Your cross most assuredly is not a once-off event and over, by no means does the Word speak of this, but it does tell me, that we SHOULD take up our crosses daily.
I want to emphasize the Word in the above sentence “SHOULD”. You are not forced, you are not obligated by any means, you will have to pick this one up yourself, But The Gospel is this, He will help you carry it. Cause He already carried it for us ALL.
I am happy and glad for all positive conversions at the pulpits, love it, and greatly rejoice therein and by it. But friend, even though you are then saved on the spot. You have not completed the full course required to express Christ in your life to the full.
If the cross you are carrying is heavier than you can bear and outweighs the portion of Grace given. Then you are carrying another’s cross. See friend, His Grace is sufficient for you. The Grace has been provided.
The Lord will NEVER give you a heavier cross than what you can bear. If you Love the Lord, but your Cross supersedes your God-given ability, it breaks down to the following, it is not your cross to carry…put it down and cling to your own cross!!!
Love, Jaco
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