Life at best is not fair. If you were looking for the perfect world in this eon and age then you are lost friend. As long as we reside on earth things just won’t make sense.
I know I refer a lot to the white picket fence dream but I think it is very appropriate for this article.
You know, when you were a toddler and innocent, you drew your own little “white picket fence” dream, the little house, you, mommy, and daddy, even the doggy wagging its tail with the sun shining ever so bright, everything seemed perfectly fine as you drew a smile on each one’s face.
But your white picket fence dream might have turned into the very phantom, a nightmarish ordeal that would never see the calm of day. And you want out.
At this moment you might be suffering for various reasons, but I still hold firm to the belief that most people are hurting and never make it vocal, or say it.
Ever so bleek, hidden so deep, nonvocal cries a spirit in need, a need to try and understand why things happen that happen in this broken world, and trying to fit God in this paradigm of pain leaves one simply with the need to know…why?
Wounded and festered the human spirit lies. These wounds are generally caused by various means, there might be many reasons given to the wounded spirit, and maybe a person or people are the main reason for your pain.
It was said:” Bitterness is drinking poison expecting the other person to die”.
Great healing will come to you, but you must let go and let God heal your heart and it is of note that you must forgive people, regardless of the pain induced.
I don’t say this lightheartedly, my words are so carefully weighed and chosen but just maybe, you are shattered inside and have lost a child and have succumbed that it is God’s fault. Maybe a miscarriage, or you lost someone dearest to Heart, and you simply lost the zeal and zest to press on, and so, many blame God.
Maybe you are also on serious (S5) medication such as anti-depression or even anti-psychotics
If you don’t know my story, well, firstly I don’t feel sorry for myself, but I was diagnosed with the most horrendous mental disease aptly Schizophrenia 26 years ago. I have spent more than 850 days in mental clinics, 32 ECTs (Brain Shocks) 51 times hospitalized, and 7 times in ICU for suicide attempts.
Lately, I wanted to end my life, so I took nearly 560 pills, they rushed me to the hospital, I was in a coma for 2 weeks and another week in ICU, I almost died. I was on life support systems during this time.
Which gives me ample right to write this article to you.
Many lie wounded through various means and this is the pitfall for most, they withdraw, isolate, and refrain from trying.
Many or most are bittered with God, so why would one think this:
1.) Either God is hurting us, or
2.) God is allowing us to be hurt
Neither is correct! Neither is there a difference between the two. To hurt one, or allowing one to be hurt is the very same thing, and trying to qualify this with God or playing the blame game is unfortunately nothing one can qualify nor is it a game you can win.
Sometimes we refuse to forgive ourselves based on events that triggered a certain issue of the Heart. We relent and many just lose hope and their zeal for life.
If you can’t Love yourself, you will have a blurred view of God and as a result not love those around you. Maybe you sincerely don’t like what you have become. You might hate yourself and you “may” feel bittered with God.
Somewhere in life, we all go through some kind of trauma and pain.
This article is not a speedy recovery of you, if only I could help you understand and see that God loves you ever so dearly, He is not the One hurting you. Period.
God did not take your child’s life, spouse, or loved ones. If you can get past this point where you believe this to be true, then you have achieved a great deal.
You know, as we age we notice life is so short, when you were in your youth, you did not have many worries, right? But as we sojourn in life we recognize life is very intensely fragile.
We try to fit all the pain pieces of our broken-up puzzle which in many lives lies shattered, scattered without the means to know what your present and future should look like.
People of nature have a certain need, a need to belong, to be part of something larger, and greater than themselves.
A cry for help, ever so alarmed in your innermost parts, an echo seemly with no reply, but altered in silence.
Life at best might have thrown you a curve ball and you keep swinging and missing it. You might not agree with me at this moment, but that is okay too.
You are not some random figure in a crowd, no, God knows everything about you, every need, and even as far as the number of hair on your head.
People might try to fix you but only God can Heal and restore.
Ever had people telling you God loves you, God bless you, and would seem so distant and cold? You cannot earn God’s love and forgiveness, it is freely given.
God is drawn to such as have pain and the hurting.
Church should be a safe haven, a place of belonging, something to be part of, the sign of a healthy church is when the church grows together.
Christians should fellowship more, it is a craze the race and pace of life, neither the less, we need to belong.
You cannot do this thing alone, you need others, and others need you. Once you get stuck and isolated, your manner of life will show disinterest and evidently quit trying.
It is important to belong to the church body. You must belong. Once isolated, this creates a space of complacency. We need to Word and Worship every week.
It is God’s will.
Whatever you do, never quit trying.
Fall back into the arms of God where you shall always find rest, healing, and restoration. People WILL disappoint you, that is where Jesus fills the gap because He will never disappoint, nor quit on you, you should never quit on Him.
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